"In the
white room
marble teardrops
fall silent."
Jose Maria Eguren
I felt something like a tumor in my cranium, or as if my body were stuffed
with damp cotton. Eyes opened in the darkened cold. Laying there for
some uncertain reason trying to fathom why. Time passed, a little or a lot.
Waking him screaming, shouting, exhalations, whispers, things that may
have been within him before but that he'd only noticed that second.
Calls of alarm worse in the darkness, and they opened the door; nurses
entered and they removed the one who had been shouting. Later the "kids"
began crying for parents who were inexistent and together made the velada
Behind the door steps, doorbells, the whooshing of the women striding
in shoes of rubber soles. Suddenly feeling like a thorn shooting through
the middle of her chest. Tightening fists, the pain grew and grew then
passed and was no longer there, a cool sensation covered her skin.
Sentia algo asi como un tumor en el craneo, o como si tuviera el cuerp relleno de algondones humeros. Abrio los ojos: oscuridad y frio. Estaba tendido alli por alguna causa que no podia precisar . Paso asi algun tiempo, pudo ser mucho, o poco. Enctonces lo hicieron reaccionar los gritos, los gemidos, pujidos, susurrus, cosas que quiza habian estado alli desde much oantes, pero que hasta ese momento notaba.
Unos alaridos mas en la oscuridad, y abrieron la puertia; entraron unas enfermeras y sacaron al que gritaba. Luego empezaron los "ninos", llantos clamando por padres que aca eran inexistentes, y en conjunto, hacian insoportable la velada.
Tras la puerta escuchaba pasos, timbres, carreras de mujeres con suelas de goma. De pronto sintio como si un cardo se deslizara en medio de su pecho, algo que le desgarraba las visceras. Aprentio los punos, el dolor aumentabe y aumentaba. De pronto dejo de sentirlo, una sensacion de frio se cenia a su piel
white room
marble teardrops
fall silent."
Jose Maria Eguren
I felt something like a tumor in my cranium, or as if my body were stuffed
with damp cotton. Eyes opened in the darkened cold. Laying there for
some uncertain reason trying to fathom why. Time passed, a little or a lot.
Waking him screaming, shouting, exhalations, whispers, things that may
have been within him before but that he'd only noticed that second.
Calls of alarm worse in the darkness, and they opened the door; nurses
entered and they removed the one who had been shouting. Later the "kids"
began crying for parents who were inexistent and together made the velada
Behind the door steps, doorbells, the whooshing of the women striding
in shoes of rubber soles. Suddenly feeling like a thorn shooting through
the middle of her chest. Tightening fists, the pain grew and grew then
passed and was no longer there, a cool sensation covered her skin.
Sentia algo asi como un tumor en el craneo, o como si tuviera el cuerp relleno de algondones humeros. Abrio los ojos: oscuridad y frio. Estaba tendido alli por alguna causa que no podia precisar . Paso asi algun tiempo, pudo ser mucho, o poco. Enctonces lo hicieron reaccionar los gritos, los gemidos, pujidos, susurrus, cosas que quiza habian estado alli desde much oantes, pero que hasta ese momento notaba.
Unos alaridos mas en la oscuridad, y abrieron la puertia; entraron unas enfermeras y sacaron al que gritaba. Luego empezaron los "ninos", llantos clamando por padres que aca eran inexistentes, y en conjunto, hacian insoportable la velada.
Tras la puerta escuchaba pasos, timbres, carreras de mujeres con suelas de goma. De pronto sintio como si un cardo se deslizara en medio de su pecho, algo que le desgarraba las visceras. Aprentio los punos, el dolor aumentabe y aumentaba. De pronto dejo de sentirlo, una sensacion de frio se cenia a su piel
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